The Bronze Ghost

Sonora sucker

December 15, 2023 – It has been almost a year since I started my exploration of the Salt River.  And one task I wanted to accomplish before twelve months ended was to catch a Sonora sucker, something I had failed to do when this journey started in January.  I nicknamed the Sonora sucker the “Bronze …

Power Line Canal and Diversion Dam

 October 5, 2023 – I broke camp at Apache Lake and made a spontaneous decision to visit the upper reaches of Roosevelt Lake.  I was curious to see the last of the free-flowing Salt River before it emptied into Roosevelt.  I retraced my path over the Apache Trail and then headed east on Arizona State …

Apache Lake

October 4, 2023 – There was still one lake I needed to visit, Apache Lake, so I carved out a few days to explore it and cross it off my list of places on the Salt River.  Apache Lake is located between Canyon Lake and Roosevelt Lake.  It is formed by Horse Mesa Dam and …

The Natural Environment

August 20, 2023 – In 1868 Phillip Duppa predicted that from an obscure settlement in the Salt River Valley “a new city will spring phoenix-like upon the ruins of a former civilization.”  Duppa was, of course, referring to what is now known as Phoenix, Arizona, and he is credited with giving it its name.  No …

The Built World

August 10, 2023 – For the past eight months I have been exploring up and down the length of the Salt River in southcentral Arizona.  I have seen firsthand the wondrous natural beauty of the entire river as well as the impressive human-made structures that have been constructed along its length.  Without question, these human-made …

Canals Again

July 4, 2023 – Having visited several of the canals north of the Salt River, I felt the need to see at least one to the south.  The maps showed a long bike path on the Consolidated Canal, so I picked that one to explore.  The day promised to be hot with temperatures forecasted to …

Confluence: the Beginning

June 8, 2023 – For three hours I drove from San Carlos, Arizona, on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation to the Black River Crossing.  It was 45 miles of axle-busting dirt road, and I was glad to finally reach my destination and get out of the truck.  My purpose for the drive was simple:  …